The Sportlyzer Blog

We write about sports coaching, club management, training, and our software updates.

Why our customers and sports experts invested in Sportlyzer?

June 16, 2016 - Posted by
Madis Kokkuta about investing in Sportlyzer

Sportlyzer closed a successful 130K-Euros crowdfunding round on Funderbeam Markets and we were humbled to see our users, top athletes, coaches and other sports experts join to back us. These people see clearly why Sportlyzer is a must for youth sports and we wanted to share their insights with you as well.

How A Young Coach Uses Software to Simplify His Work

June 16, 2016 - Posted by

It’s clear that sooner or later all membership and calendar management in sports clubs will shift from paper and Excel to special software. But many of you may wonder, what will the work of coaches be like after they have made this change? And is it worth the hustle? To get answers to these questions we talked to a youth coach Martin Kokkuta from HC Tallinn, who is already using Sportlyzer Coach Diary as an everyday tool.

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