The Sportlyzer Blog

We write about sports coaching, club management, training, and our software updates.

Leveraging social networks

October 19, 2015 - Posted by
Leveraging social networks

Last week we looked at using advertising campaigns to reach out to new club members. This week we explore how you can use social networks to really increase the reach of your campaign.

For a quick recap, we started with preparing for the recruitment campaign which provides an excellent outline to getting started, then to create and optimize club website followed by an excellent guide for effective advertising campaign.

Effective advertising campaign

October 16, 2015 - Posted by
Kickstart your campaign with effective ads

First of all, we appreciate that you’ve been keeping up with series so far. And if you’re someone who has stumbled across the blog posts, then be sure to check out the first two posts –  preparing the recruitment campaign and create and optimize club website to catch up and connect all the dots.

Our next posts explore how clubs can reach out to the local community, engage their supporters, and run fantastic registration events. But first we turn our attention to advertising your club in your local area — an effective and often free way to raise awareness and boost club membership.

Create and optimize your club website

October 12, 2015 - Posted by
Create and optimize your club website

As we continue to guide you through a successful recruitment campaign for any sport season, we have some great content, tips and knowledge to share.

The first post dealt with getting you all hands on deck with the foundation of your recruitment campaign, but now we move into the refinements which push you forward ever more. So, lets get started with the second post.

A great website is your club’s shop window. It will be the first place for prospective members to look for information and get an insight into the everyday activities of the club. There are numerous reasons to create and optimize your club website. Your club website should highlight opportunities and benefits of signing up, as well as being the go-to place to find all essential details needed to be a member.

We’re hiring a content marketer

July 1, 2015 - Posted by
Image credit: (Chris Lake) via (

Sportlyzer is looking for a content marketing specialist with very strong creative and professional writing skills in English, and a lot of insights into youth and amateur sports. You will be writing and marketing articles about sports club administration and training management, product release newsletters, press releases, copy for digital products, and creating white papers and infographics. The other just as important half of the work is marketing your creation: communicating to bloggers and journalists, managing our social media accounts, and sending out the newsletters.

Need help? Contact us now