The Sportlyzer Blog

We write about sports coaching, club management, training, and our software updates.

Sprint 10.4 updates: Club Dashboard provides managers control of their club

June 18, 2015 - Posted by

We are happy to announce the launch of a new app on Sportlyzer – Club Dashboard. It’s like your own jet pilot cockpit – you have everything you need to fly a plane (or control your club) in there.

Club Dashboard

Club Dashboard displays an overview of the most important stuff in your club and helps club managers quickly address emerging issues. The dashboard is customizable – add different widgets to different tabs and move widgets around to keep your data nicely organized. The dashboard currently provides an overview of:

  • Member count and volatility
  • Birthdays in your club
  • Upcoming events and event invitations
  • Workouts where attendance has not been marked
  • Club’s income by training groups

Find Club Dashboard app from the Apps section in the middle of the header. It will soon be opened to coaches as well. Besides, new club management and coaching widgets will be added to the dashboard every now and then. Don’t miss them!

Go to your account to see the Club Dashboard now!


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Jaan Saks

Jaan is the CEO of Sportlyzer and has been involved in sports for his whole life. His higher education combines sports science with marketing and he has been part of the Estonian speed and inline skating teams, winning various national and international championships. He has coached kids, juniors and adults and has co-founded his own amateur skating team. Besides his athlete and coach career, Jaan has co-started various successful sports events in the past.

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