The Sportlyzer Blog

We write about sports coaching, club management, training, and our software updates.

What is Sportlyzer all about?

December 14, 2015 - Posted by

Sportlyzer is online and mobile software for sports team management. It combines membership management with coaching and athletes’ reporting.

Here’s a 2-minute video how coaches and sports clubs benefit from Sportlyzer.

We’re hiring: PPC campaigns specialist in Spain

November 30, 2015 - Posted by

Sportlyzer is looking for a PPC marketing specialist in Spain with experience in Social Media, AdWords and landing pages. You will be creating campaigns to Spanish sports clubs and sports teams, and managing all of our PPC campaigns in Spain.

Configure membership applications

November 15, 2015 - Posted by

Sportlyzer is all about optimizing your time and in order for you to adapt all of the great benefits that our software has to offer, we would like to introduce some new handy features more closely.

Working on Sportlyzer as a team

October 28, 2015 - Posted by
Coach Giving Team Talk To Male High School Football Team

We want to make Sportlyzer into a tool that encourages teamwork inside sports organizations. A tool, where each member of the team has their own possibilities and duties. A tool, which each member feels comfortable to use because it is designed and shaped to only fit their needs. A tool, which is so easy to use that new team member can join without any fuss.

Final players registration event

October 23, 2015 - Posted by
Outreach and registration

Give yourself a pat on the back, because most of the work is now behind you. You have successfully created a web and social media presence. Your marketing and advertising campaigns are well underway. You have created excitement around your club, and the community knows the time, date, and location of your first practice. It’s time to “hit it home” with your final outreach efforts and your athletes registration event.

Engage your club community

October 22, 2015 - Posted by
Engage your club community

If you’ve been following our posts, your recruitment drive should be well underway by now! As you progress, you will attract a mixture of new members and returning athletes from previous seasons. Your social media marketing, listings and ads will be drawing in newbies.

Now you can start to take a direct approach to engage last year’s players, giving them all they need to sign up this season.

Exciting updates to Sportlyzer platform!

October 20, 2015 - Posted by

Iteration. That has been our topic of the month at Sportlyzer HQ. We are making a number of changes to the Sportlyzer platform, and we would like to talk about these improvements that we think you will appreciate.

Lets get started, shall we?

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