The Sportlyzer Blog

We write about sports coaching, club management, training, and our software updates.

What really stops people from sports participation?

May 15, 2015 - Posted by

floorball stops

Let’s not talk about being lazy. Everyone’s lazy to some extent, we know that. General attitudes to sport are changing in the right direction though. We are getting more health-conscious and aware of our bodies, more positive about doing sport and its effect on our life. It’s a process we all can contribute to, but it’s an inevitably long process. How can your sports club get more people to participate, here and now?

Sprint 10.1 adds longer trials, Calendar widget and Club Welcome page

May 7, 2015 - Posted by

chuck norris thumbs up

We’re super happy to announce that we have come out with another important Sportlyzer product update, codenamed Sprint 10.1. This time we focused on getting you started with Sportlyzer in the best possible way, with the new Club Welcome page designed to lift you off and an extended trial period to get you going. We also added the cool Calendar widget feature for your website. Check it out!

New release brings Help Center, improved navigation, translations and more

April 24, 2015 - Posted by

cheers leonardo

Today we’re glad to announce that we have released a new version of Sportlyzer with some cool additions and improvements. Based on customer feedback, we’ve tweaked some things around, upgraded our translations in seven languages and also launched our Help Center to help you master the Sportlyzer platform. Here’s an overview of the six major updates.

12 best sports motivation videos of all time

April 20, 2015 - Posted by
…and stay humble (Image credit)

Great results and progress are obviously the best motivators there are, but when the going gets tough, you may look for some help from the outside. Passionate coaches, athletes and club managers all look to the emotions and rewarding experiences sports can give. From amazing club success stories to great team talks and personal growth, here’s the best pick of sports motivation videos for everyone.

How to coach Generation Z?

April 20, 2015 - Posted by
If you’re this guy, you probably need to read the article (Image credit)

Coaching is an art. You can be the wisest, most passionate coach ever, but if you don’t know who you’re coaching, then you might as well be trying to teach a fish to climb a tree. Coaches have immense knowledge of their sport, but the question remains – how to deliver that knowledge and engage my trainees? With the world and people changing quicker than ever, we’ll have a look at how to reach the ones born in the 21st century – the Generation Z.

How can a sports club recruit youth volunteers?

April 9, 2015 - Posted by
Make your volunteers proud of what they do (Image credit)

I came across a good article on Canadian Sports Information Resource Centre blog focusing on a topic so relevant to grassroots sports clubs – how to recruit volunteers. Finding people to help you with your cause with limited finances has always been an uphill battle, but youth volunteers can be a good resource to develop your club now and in the future. Here’s how!

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