The Sportlyzer Blog

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Calendar automation: collect RSVP-s and send out schedules automatically

November 29, 2018 - Posted by

Why should you do things manually that can be automated by a software? Our new Calendar automation takes care of invitations (RSVP-s), weekly schedule notifications and more.

Just set up the rules and the system will then act based on those rules so you can instead invest your time in more profitable aspects in your club.

Sportlyzer Calendar automation - collect RSVP-s and send out schedules automatically

1. Send RSVP reminders to players who haven’t marked their availability

This functionality saves you from sending event invitations to your players over and over again.

Just set the time before the event when the invitations/reminders should be sent to players. NB! Only those players will receive the notification who haven’t already marked their availability.

Sportlyzer RSVP automation

And then the magic happens. Each person added to any specific training session, event or competition will receive a notification on their email and on their Player / Parent apps from where they will have the chance to give you the answer with just one click.

Sportlyzer RSVP automation message


2. Send out weekly training plans

Although this functionality is not new on Sportlyzer, we have packaged it into a new shell (Calendar automation) and will give you a quick overview of it here as well.

With this option turned on, your players will receive an email every week with a summary of their training sessions. This is always turned on for “advanced” player accounts (they can turn the notifications off themselves in their settings) but you can turn it on for the “basic” player accounts as well. Read more about the different account types from our Help Centre.

Sportlyzer weekly emails automation


How to access the Calendar automation?

As a manager, go to Preferences -> Calendar automation. That’s it.


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Sportlyzer - Sports Technology Awards 2016 winner

Jaan Saks

Jaan is the CEO of Sportlyzer and has been involved in sports for his whole life. His higher education combines sports science with marketing and he has been part of the Estonian speed and inline skating teams, winning various national and international championships. He has coached kids, juniors and adults and has co-founded his own amateur skating team. Besides his athlete and coach career, Jaan has co-started various successful sports events in the past.

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